
Showing posts from November, 2013

The Casino

THE CASINO 525 George Street, Sydney Across from where the liquor store used to be Not exactly as shown What a fun evening! Six of us met at the dining room of the Casino for an evening of good food, laughter, and just a bit of gambling. The Casino was decorated for the holidays, so it was a lovely way to end out the year of UAG gatherings.  Being a gambling establishment, however, there are some things you should know: 1.  the Security Guards are not allowed to have a sense of humour. My joking about checking my ID did not solicit a kind response and my request to take a photo of the Christmas tree in the entrance was dismissed with a lecture about the legalities of cameras inside the main doors.  No smiles, no chuckles, no Christmas spirit there, I'm afraid. 2.  Friday nights during hockey season are extremely busy times in the dining room. It appears that all of the fans eat here first, disappear shortly before the game starts and then come back in wav