
Showing posts from March, 2014

Hong Fa Restaurant

Hong Fa Restaurant 462 Prince Street, Sydney      This month UAG spent an evening at Hong Fa Restaurant - February is such a tough month what with the cost of all of our monthly bills going up and up, we decided to have a cheaper outing. This decision attracted our largest number of members yet!  There were ten of us for dinner on Friday night. And how was our cheap night?  Were we disappointed in our decision to go downtown instead of uptown?       Not at all! Although none of us spent more than twenty dollars, and that's with dessert and a tip, we each had a wonderful meal. The atmosphere was relaxing, the service was not terrible, and the food, well, the food was delicious. The servings were so generous that several of us had a lovely lunch the following day. Here are the two appetizers that were ordered: Fried Wontons Hong Fa makes the best deep fried wontons - there is just no argument on this.  And look at the gravy boat of cherry sauce! Yes, those are pap