
Showing posts from June, 2017

Italian Buffet, Polish Hall, Whitney Pier, Again

      For the third year in a row, the UAG met up at St. Michael's Polish Hall in the Pier for the Italian buffet, part of the annual celebration entitled "Pierscape." Money raised from the buffet goes to the Whitney Pier Society for the Arts and judging by the number of people at the buffet, it's an excellent fundraiser.       Everything that I wrote last year (see May 2016) applies again this year. We have gained a couple of UAG members in the last few months, so it was their first time attending the buffet. However, they had heard about the selection of Italian dishes and the home-made eclairs! And since it was the same cook, may God continue to bless Kay, the food was delicious once again - our new members were not disappointed. Furthermore, the members of UAG were not quite so shy this year.  When Kay told us that she didn't want to see any food left on the buffet table, several of us filled up plates to take home with us. Imagine, we will each h...