
Showing posts from November, 2017

Trio, Cambridge Suites

Our last outing of 2017 was to Trio, located in the Cambridge Suites on the Esplanade in Sydney. This was actually our fourth visit to Trio as a group and our second visit during the holidays.  Do take a moment and search "Trio" on our Blog for our earlier postings as we have always enjoyed our visits to this restaurant. The lobby was beautifully decorated with several Christmas trees and lots of Christmas lights for those who were waiting to enter the restaurant or perhaps checking in to the hotel. We were greeted at the front of the restaurant by a friendly team of people who warmed my heart immediately by calling me "Miss"! When we were seated at our dining table, we all noticed that the decorations were exactly the same as last year's; it was wonderful that we could enjoy them all over again. In fact, several of the group purchased lit trees just like the ones on our table after our dinner last year! Each of us was pleased with our selection of

A Bite of Asia

Thanks to Leslie for the photo             When we say that we are the Up for Anything Group , we mean it! Members met at The Olive Tree as planned (see our review October 2012), but it just didn't work out. The Olive Tree is now a very busy family diner, one that doesn't accept reservations, and unfortunately, they couldn't accommodate us. The normally affable Gerard the Server was not himself and things went awry.       So the members met in the parking lot and discussed what to do next - the decision was made to visit A Bite of Asia (see April 2016) , which wasn't too far away and had more seating.  This turned out to be a wonderful choice as the food was just as tasty as remembered and the company was just as fabulous.       Congratulations to the Group for not losing any members in the transition from one restaurant to the next. Not one UAG member who had signed up for the October outing was left behind...well done!