Governors Pub & Eatery - not.

Governors on the Esplanade, Sydney
This month's outing was supposed to be to Governors on the Esplanade - Governors has a wonderful reputation and we were all keen to try the menu. Unfortunately, the person who took our booking did not write it down, despite my giving her all of my personal information, along with the date and time of the booking.  So there was no room for us at the pub - what's a group of food adventurers to do on a busy Friday night in downtown Sydney?

A quick phone call was made to Trio Restaurant & Lounge, just a five-minute walk down the Esplanade, where the very efficient Troy the Bartender, assured us that he'd look after us. And he did! He sat us at a lovely table in the lounge where we relaxed, ordered drinks and enjoyed our main entrées. The Special of the evening was Prime Rib with Yorkshire Pudding and did it ever look wonderful!

While we reviewed the dessert menu, our teas arrived...and there is something quite special about tea in the lounge at Trio.

That cup is heated. Yes, Dear Troy served us steamed cups for our tea.

Although the staff at Governors were polite and a shade sympathetic to our plight, the staff at Trio really made us feel welcomed.

Thank you Troy! You were fabulous.

So, after drinks and our mains and a hot cup of tea, we just had to order desserts. And look!

Apple Crisp a la Mode
Bread Pudding with Caramel & Vanilla Ice Cream
Warm Chocolate Brownie
Turtle Cheese Cake

Jar of Joy One - Coconut Cream Cheese Cake

Jar of Joy Two - Chocolate Brownie Delight
Although our evening started off with a disappointment, we enjoyed ourselves at Trio thanks to the attentive staff ( Troy💘 )  and a warm and welcoming setting. This was not our first outing to Trio, in fact, it may be our third!

We will try to get a seat at Governors for one of our outings, but we will book far in advance and confirm our reservation the day before...lesson learned.


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